W1 Legal Notices
The W1 Platform service, including all content provided on the W1 Platform, is protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property laws and treaties.
The copyrights in the shows and movies on our service are owned by many great producers, including Wardour Studios. If you believe your or someone else’s copyrights are being infringed upon through the W1 Platform service, let us know by completing the Copyright Infringement Claims form.
W1 Platform, W1 Coin, The Hollywood Blockchain, Hollywood Blockchain Foundation, and W1 are trademarks of W1 Inc., interchangeably also referred to as W1 Platform.
Copyright © 2016 - 2019 W1 Platform. All Rights Reserved.
If you haven’t received our permission, do not use the W1 Platform marks as your own or in any manner that implies sponsorship or endorsement by W1 Platform.
A product branded with the W1 Platform name or logo is a reflection of W1 Platform. Unless you are one of our licensees, we don’t allow others to make, sell, or give away anything with our name or logo on it.
W1 Platform streaming and other services are covered by patents and or trade secrets.
Third Party Notices
The software installed on W1 Platform ready devices to enable streaming of the W1 Platform service may contain software available under open source or free software licenses (“Open Source Software”) and/or commercial software licensed to W1 Platform by parties (“Commercial Software”). The W1 Platform Terms of Use do not alter any rights or obligations you may have under those Open Source Software licenses. Additional information about Open Source and Commercial Software, including required acknowledgements, license terms and notices, can be found on W1Platform.org.
好莱坞W1平台, W1币, 好莱坞W1影视娱乐文化产业区块链平台, 好莱坞区块链, 好莱坞区块链基金会是W1平台的商标
版权所有©2016 - 2019 W1平台。 W1平台拥有最终解释权。
若有W1平台网站的中文翻译或其他语言翻译,则访问者同意以英文版本为准。 W1平台网站上的所有内容如有更改,恕不另行通知。
Last Updated: January 1, 2019