W1 Platform™ - The Hollywood Blockchain™ listed on the ZB Global Exchange (ZBG.com) on June 5, 2019, and has since successfully completed its promotional Rocket Program. The market value for W1 cryptocurrency has gained maximum allowable daily increase, each and every day, and finished the Rocket Program with its expected listing price of approximately $1.00.

This was a greatly successful start and we congratulate the Hollywood Blockchain team and the W1 Platform community!
W1 Platform will now continue trading the unlocked W1, on the ZBG Exchange, with high expectations for sustained growth in the foreseeable future. W1 Platform team will be carefully monitoring trading volumes and prices, and will continuously analyze W1’s locking policy and locking period for the locked W1.
We are quite hopeful and confident that the current locking period will be reduced, at which time the locked W1 will be gradually released for trading on the exchange. Please note that W1 locking policies are strictly for the benefit of both, the W1 Platform as well as the valued W1 Community, and we hope that such policies will ultimately bring significant rewards to all concerned.
For more information please contact The Hollywood Blockchain Global Community Team
Or visit W1 Platform™ - The Hollywood Blockchain™